Answers of some anticipated question are given below in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Where can I get an online application form? Where should I verify the filled-in admission formor verify my eligibility criteria? Where should I submit my filled-in application form?
After publication of admission notification, you can access it online through our admission website (Link will be availble in admission notification).
You have to verify your filled-in admission form or eligibility criteria from your selected Study Centreas printed on your filled-in admission form (for Post Graduate Geography and Zoology eligibility criteria verification done during centralised counselling process).
After paying the admission fees thefilled-in admission form should be submitted to your selected Study Centre along with authenticated photocopies of relevant documents. However, for Post Graduate Geography and Zoology admission fees are collected only after allotment of seat during centralised counselling process. Thereafter, selected candidate should submit his/her admission form along with authenticated photocopies of relevant documents to the allotted Study Centre.
Can I change my Study Centre?
Application for change of Study Centre after taking admission can be made together with a fee of Rs. 500/- (payable through DD drawn in favour of Netaji Subhas Open University payable at Kolkata). Such application will be considered under circumstances like change of place of service, shifting of family and change of marital status only with documentary evidence.
Lost my Enrollment-cum-Identity Card, what should I do?
The applicant must register a General Missing Diary (GD) with local police station at earliest. To get a duplicate Enrollment-cum-Identity Card you should write an application addressed to the Registrar of this University along with a DD of Rs. 500.00 (drawn in favour of Netaji Subhas Open University payable at Kolkata) and the GD. The application must be forwarded by the Study Centre Coordinator with official seal.
Can I choose my Study Centre, or shall the university allot me the Study Centre?
You can choose your Study Centre as per your convenience. However, since all your programmes are not available at all the Study Centres, you should ensure that the course you are applying for is available at the Study Centre opted by you. Normally the Centre opted by you shall be allotted to you. However, in exceptional/unavoidable cases the University may allot a different Centre to you and insuch cases the decision of the University is final.
How should I pay the course fee?
The fee can be paid through online (via payment gateway) and offline (through bank challan) mode. For more details regarding payment method, please see the detailed admission notification or guideline for online admission process in the University website.
Can I send my application form by post, or is it required to be submitted in person?
You cannot send application form by post as there is process for verification of eligibility criteria inthe admission step at your selected Study Centre.
What I am required to do after submission of my application form?
After submission of application form at Study Centre and subsequently processed at the Headquarters and if you are found eligible for admission, you will receive from your Study Centre an Enrollment-cum-Identity Card as proof of your admission along with detailed information about your enrollment number, Study Centre, subject of study etc.
If I want to withdraw myself from the programme after confirmation of my admission, shall I getmy fee refunded?
Fees once paid for admission to a particular course will not be refunded (for further refund policy visitour admission website). It is also not adjustable against any other course of this University.
Can I change my Subject after admission?
Application for change of subject after admission in BDP course will not be entertained under any circumstances. The candidates should, therefore, be very careful as regards the choice of course/subject of study before taking admission.
Can I join two programme of NSOU at a time?
A student is permitted to take admission for only one Bachelor Degree Programme (BDP) of NSOU during his/her tenure of enrollment in the University. Any violation of this rule will lead to cancellation of the candidature of the students concerned and in such cases no fees will be refunded. However, a Student of the BDP course can take simultaneous admission in any one Diploma/Certificate/Training Programme of the University. But, in the event of any clash of dates arises in counselling and/or examinations schedule between the two programmes taken, the University will not be in a position tomake any adjustments for its mitigation.
How can I receive support if I have doubts while studying the materials?
We provide face-to-face contact between learners and tutors/counsellors at Study Centres to clarify your doubts and answer your academic quarries. This is called "Counselling" which is normally held onweekends at NSOU study centres.
Is it compulsory for me to attend counselling?
The counselling session are not compulsory for theory papers. However, it is adviced to attend thesession as far as possible. It is always beneficial to share your views on the subject with your counsellors and fellow learners; comprehend some of the complex ideas/concepts or difficult issues discussed in your materials, and get clarifications for many of your doubts which you would not have solved yourself.
How do I know about counselling schedule?
Your study centre will inform you about the counselling schedule. Normally counselling would beheld on Saturdays and Sundays. You should contact your study centre coordinator for the counselling schedule.
Is it compulsory for me to attend Personal Contact Programme (PCP)?
The PCP session are not compulsory for theory papers. However, it is advised to attend the session as far as possible, in future which will be immensely useful in certain respects to share your views onthe subject with your counsellors and fellow learners; comprehend some of the complex ideas/conceptsor difficult issue discussed in your materials, and get clarifications for many of your doubts which youwould not have solved yourself.
How do I know about Personal Contact Programme (PCP) schedule?
Your Study Centre will inform you about the PCP schedule. Normally PCPs are held on Saturdays and Sundays. You should contact your Study Centre Coordinator for the counselling schedule which is also available in the website.
Why should I do assignments, are the assignments compulsory?
The purpose of assignment is to help you to get through the courses. Your counsellor or evaluator will write teaching type comments on your assignment responses to facilitate your learning. Assignment is a process of formative evaluation. It will help you understand how you are progressing in your studies. Yes, the assignments for all theory papers are compulsory. It means you need to submit the assignments per paper within the stipulated time for being eligible to appear in the term-end examination. The assignments carry 30% weightage in the final result.
When and where should I submit the assignments?
You should submit the assignment response at your study centre as per the date mentioned in the assignment.
If I cannot complete my programme in three years what will be the fate of submitted assignments?
All the assignments submitted earlier will be carried forward till your registration validity period.
Can I improve my assignment grade by re-doing them?
No, you cannot improve an assignment grade in any circumstances.
PCP Schedule/Notice
28.11.2024:Notice for BDP Mathematics students regarding schedule of their LCES, Phase-2 at NSOU Campuses......Detail
21.11.2024:Notice regarding LCES, Phase-2 for UG Science students......Detail
11.02.2025:PCP Routine of PGED for the Session 2023-2025 (Part-II) Batch, Paper- VIII E 2 at SoE, Kalyani RC, NSOU......Detail
11.02.2025:PCP Schedule of PGPA of Part-II, Paper-VIII, Batch: January 2023 at Maharaja Manindra Chandra College......Detail
11.02.2025:Special Lecture Programme (SLP) for MSW, Part-I (Batch: January 2024) at Jalpaiguri, Regional Centre......Detail
11.02.2025:Notice for Resumption of PCP session for MSW-II at Regional Centre, Jalpaiguri, NSOU (Batch: January 2023) from 16/02/2025......Detail
06.02.2025:PCP Schedule of PGHI, Paper-VIIIA, January 2023 Batch at Burdwan Raj College......Detail
30.01.2025:Reschedule notice of PCP in PGMT for Paper: 8A & 8B, January 2023 Batch (Part-II)......Detail
28.01.2025:Notice regarding suspension of all PG PCP Sessions for PGBG, PGEG, PGJMC and PGELT under SoH on 02/02/2025 on account of Saraswati Puja......Detail
22.01.2025:Notice regarding postponement of PCP for MSW, 2nd Year (January 2023 Batch) in all PCP Centre on 02/02/2025......Detail
17.01.2025:Face to Face PCP for PGED Part-II (January 2023 Session) Paper-VIII......Detail
16.01.2025:Offline PCP Schedule of PGJM, Paper- 7A & 7B, Part-II, Batch January 2023 at Sarojini Naidu College......Detail
15.01.2025:PCP Schedule of PGPS, Part-II, Paper: VIII, January 2023 Batch at Maharaja Manindra Chandra College......Detail
15.01.2025:PCP Schedule of PGPS, Part-II, Paper: VIII, January 2023 Batch at Women's Christian College......Detail
09.01.2025:REVISED PCP Routine of PGBG, Paper-VII(A), January 2023 Batch (Part-II) at Raja Narendralal Khan Women’s College......Detail
09.01.2025:REVISED PCP Routine of PGEG, Paper-VII, January 2023 Batch (Part-II) at Raja N. L. Khan Women’s College......Detail
09.01.2025:3rd PCP in PGMT for Paper: 8A & 8B, January 2023 Batch (Part-II) at Women's Christian College, Kharagpur College, Bolpur College and Coochbehar College......Detail
09.01.2025:Provisional PG Zoology PCP Routine for January 2024 Batch (Part-II)......Detail
07.01.2025:PCP Schedule of PG History (PGHI), 2nd Year, Paper-VIIIA, January 2023 Batch at Rani Dhanya Kumari College......Detail
07.01.2025:PCP Schedule of PG History (PGHI), 2nd Year, Paper-VIIIB, January 2023 Batch at Rani Dhanya Kumari College......Detail
04.01.2025:REVISED SLP of PGELT, Batch 2023 (Part-2) for Paper-XIV, XV, XVI, XVII and XX at Jalpaiguri Regional Centre......Detail
04.01.2025:Offline PCP Schedule of PGJM, Paper- 7A & 7B, Part-II, Batch January 2023 at Durgapur Regional Centre......Detail
02.01.2025:PCP Schedule of PGEG, Paper-VII, January 2023 Batch at Syamaprasad College......Detail
02.01.2025:PCP Schedule of PGEG, Paper-VII, January 2023 Batch at Women's College, Calcutta......Detail
02.01.2025:Schedule for PGBG PCP Programme, Paper-VII(A), Special Paper, 2nd Year, January 2023 Batch at Women's Christian College......Detail
31.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGEG, Paper-VII, January 2023 Batch at Durgapur Regional Centre......Detail
31.12.2024:Schedule for PGBG PCP Programme, Paper-VII(A), 2nd Year, January 2023 Batch at Durgapur Campus......Detail
30.12.2024:Schedule for PGBG PCP Programme, Paper-VII, January 2023 Batch at Bankura Christian College......Detail
29.12.2024:Notice regarding postponement of PCP for MSW, Part-II (January 2023 Batch) at Regional Centre, Jalpaiguri, NSOU......Detail
27.12.2024:PCP Schedule for M.Com. 2nd Year, January, 2023-24 (New batch) at Maharaja Manindra Chandra College (A-04)......Detail
26.12.2024:Face-to-Face PCP Schedule of PGELT, Paper-XV & XVI (New Syllabus), January 2024 Batch at Women's Christian College......Detail
23.12.2024:Extended Lecture Programmes for MLIS learners of the Session Jan-Dec, 2024 at Regional Campus, Kalyani......Detail
18.12.2024:Notice regarding postponement of PGPS PCP classes of Paper-VII on 29/12/2024 at Maharaja Manindra Chandra College and Women Christian College......Detail
16.12.2024:Notification for reschedule of PGB PCP at Sarojini Naidu College SC on 15/12/2024 due to SET Examination......Detail
12.12.2024:Notice regarding suspension of PG PCP classes (PGBG and PGJMC) on 15/12/2024 at Sarojini Naidu College......Detail
12.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGHI, Paper-VIIA & VIIB, January 2023 Batch at Burdwan Raj College......Detail
12.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGPA of Part-II, Paper-VII, Batch: January 2023 at Maharaja Manindra Chandra College......Detail
12.12.2024:Notice regarding suspension of PGED PCP for Part-II (January 2023 Session) at Sarojini Naidu College for Women on 15/12/2024......Detail
09.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGHI, Paper-VIIA, January 2023 Batch at Rani Dhanya Kumari College......Detail
09.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGHI, Paper-VIIB, January 2023 Batch at Rani Dhanya Kumari College......Detail
09.12.2024:REVISED SLP of PGELT, Batch 2023 (Part-2) for Paper-XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV and XVI at Jalpaiguri Regional Centre......Detail
06.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGEG, Paper-VI, January 2023 Batch at Durgapur Regional Centre......Detail
04.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGPS, Part-II, Paper: VII, January 2023 Batch at Maharaja Manindra Chandra College......Detail
04.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGPS, Part-II, Paper: VII, January 2023 Batch at Women's Christian College......Detail
03.12.2024:Notice regarding suspension of PGED PCP for Part-II (January 2023 Session) at Bijoy Krishna Girls' College......Detail
02.12.2024:Reschedule of PCP for MSW, 1st Year, January 2024 Batch......Detail
02.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGEG, Paper-VI, January 2023 Batch at Women's College......Detail
02.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGEG, Paper-VI, January 2023 Batch at Syamaprasad College......Detail
02.12.2024:PCP Schedule of PGEG, Paper-VI, Part-II, January 2023 Batch at Raja N. L. Khan Women's College......Detail
02.12.2024:Schedule for PGBG PCP Programme, Paper-VI, Part-II, January 2023 Batch at Raja N. L. Khan Women's College......Detail
02.12.2024:Schedule for PGBG PCP Programme, Paper-VI, January 2022 Batch at Bankura Christian College......Detail
19.12.2024:Mandatory offline PCP along with the Workshop & Practical (PHASE-I) for 1st Semester B.Ed. Spl. Ed. (IDD & HI)-ODL, academic session starting from October 2024 (Revised from July-August 2024) at Kalyani Campus......Detail
09.12.2024:Notice for Rescheduling of Postponed PCP Classes of BLIS at Bijay Kridhna Girls College, Gurudas College and Malda Womens College......Detail
20.11.2024:Notice for Rescheduling of PCP of BLIS at Bijay Kridhna Girls College......Detail
15.11.2024:Postponement Notice for PCP of BLIS, January 2024 Batch at Malda Women's College......Detail
19.12.2024:Online Lecture Schedule for M.Ed. Special Education (IDD & HI)-ODL, Semester-I, Academic Session starting from October 2024 (Revised from July-August 2024), LSC Code: SEMH-02......Detail
13.12.2024:Mandatory offline PCP along with the Workshop & Practical (PHASE-I) for 1st Semester M.Ed. Special Education (IDD & HI)-ODL, academic session starting from October 2024 (Revised from July-August 2024) at Kalyani Campus......Detail
11.02.2025:Notice for online submission of Assignment for MBA Term-End Examination, June 2024 (Sem-I)......Detail
11.02.2025:Notice for download of Assignment Submission Slip for MBA TEE, June-2024 (Sem-I)......Detail
16.01.2025:Notice for 2nd phase examination form submission through online for MBA Term-End Examination, June-2024 (SEM-I)......Detail
03.01.2025:Notice for examination form submission through online for MBA TEE, June-2024 (SEM-I)......Detail
16.12.2024:Practical Examination Schedule for M.Ed. (Special Education), Term-End Theory Examination, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
11.12.2024:REVISED Examination Schedule of BDP Term-End Theory Examination, Dec.-2023 & June-2024......Detail
10.12.2024:Notice for download of Admit Card for BDP & UGDP (CBCS) TEE (Theory), December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
10.12.2024:Notice regarding Download Admit Card for M.Ed. (Special Education), Term-End Theory Examination, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
10.12.2024:Notice regarding Download Admit Card for B.Ed. Spl. Edn. [ID (DD)/HI/VI]-ODL, Term-End Theory Examination, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
09.12.2024:REVISED Examination Schedule for M.Ed. (Special Education), Term-End Theory Examination, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
06.12.2024:Examination Schedule for B.Ed. Spl. Edn. [ID (DD)/HI/VI]-ODL, Term-End Theory Examination, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
04.12.2024:Notice regarding Viva-Voce (Online) for Advance Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (ADJMC), Paper-VB, TEE, Dec-2023. Detail | Google Meet Link
04.12.2024:Examination Venue for M.Ed. (Special Education), Term-End Theory Examination, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
04.12.2024:Examination Venue for B.Ed. Spl. Edn. [ID (DD)/HI/VI]-ODL, Term-End Theory Examination, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
03.12.2024:REVISED List of the Examination Centre for BDP & UGDP(CBCS) Term-End Theory Examination, Dec.-2023 & June-2024......Detail
01.12.2024:Reset notice for Online Submission of Assignment for BDP & UGDP(CBCS) TEE, Dec-2023 & June-2024......Detail
29.11.2024:Notice for download of 2nd Phase Admit Card for BDP & UGDP (CBCS) TEE (Practical), December-2024 & June-2025......Detail
28.11.2024:Notice regarding Ph.D. Viva-Voce for Mr. Arghyatanu Manna on 13/12/2024......Detail
26.11.2024:Notice for reopening of Online Submission of Assignment for BDP & UGDP(CBCS) TEE, Dec.-23 & June-24......Detail
26.11.2024:Schedule of Ph.D. Course Work Examination of History for Academic Year 2022-23......Detail
22.11.2024:Examination Schedule of UGDP (CBCS) Term-End Theory Examination, Dec-23 & June-24......Detail
22.11.2024:Time Schedule for PGELT, Paper-XIXA and Paper-XIXB, TEE, June-2023/December-2023......Detail
22.11.2024:Time Schedule for PGEC, Paper-XVI, TEE, June-2023/December-2023......Detail
20.11.2024:Reset Notice for Online Submission of Assignment for BDP & UGDP(CBCS) TEE, Dec-23 & June-24......Detail
19.11.2024:Instructions for online submission of Assignment for ADJMC, TEE, December-2023, Paper-VA (Written Practical). Detail | Assignment Link
18.11.2024:Time Schedule for PGJM, Paper-XA and Paper-XB, TEE, June-2023/December-2023......Detail
06.11.2024:Reset Notice for Online Submission of Assgnment for B.Ed. Spl. Edn. [ID (DD)/HI/VI]-ODL, TEE, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
06.11.2024:Reset Notice for Online Submission of Assignment for M.Ed. (Special Education), TEE, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
31.10.2024:Notice regarding RE-OPENING of Online submission of Assgnment for M.Ed. (Special Education), TEE, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
31.10.2024:Notice regarding RE-OPENING of Online submission of Assgnment for B.Ed. Spl. Edn. [ID (IDD)/HI/VI]-ODL, TEE, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
31.10.2024:SoVS Examination Notification of TEE. December 2024 (Admission Batch: January 2024 & Old)......Detail
30.10.2024:Notice regarding instructions for Online Submission of Assignment for BDP & UGDP(CBCS) TEE, Dec-23 & June-24......Detail
30.10.2024:Examination Schedule for Post Graduate Zoology (Practical) TEE, June-2023 / December-2O23......Detail
29.10.2024:Reset Notice for Online submission of Assgnment for B.Ed. Spl. Edn. [ID (IDD)/HI/VI]-ODL, TEE, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
29.10.2024:Reset Notice for Online Assignment submission of M.Ed. (Special Education), TEE, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
23.10.2024:Notice for Download of Assignment Submission Slip for BDP & UGDP (Under CBCS) TEE (Theory) Dec-23 and June-24......Detail
23.10.2024:REVISED-I Time Schedule for PG Social Work (MSW) Viva-Voce for the TEE, June 2023/December 2023......Detail
23.10.2024:Schedule of Ph.D. Course Work Examination of Commerce and Management for Academic Year 2022-23......Detail
22.10.2024:Notice for Download Admit Card for B.Ed. Spl. Edn. [ID (IDD)/HI/VI]-ODL, TEE (Practical), December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
21.10.2024:REVISED Time Schedule for PG Social Work (MSW) Viva-Voce for the TEE, June 2023/December 2023......Detail
21.10.2024:REVISED-II Practical Examination Schedule for B.Ed. Spl. Edn. [ID (IDD)/HI/VI]-ODL, TEE Dec-2023 & June-2024......Detail
14.10.2024:Notice for Download of 1st Phase Admit Card for BDP & UGDP (under CBCS) TEE (Practical), December-2024 & June-2025......Detail
08.10.2024:REVISED Practical Examination Schedule for B.Ed. Spl. Edn.-ODL TEE Dec-2023 & June-2024......Detail
05.10.2024:Instructions for Online Assignment Submission of M.Ed. (Special Education), TEE, December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
05.10.2024:Instructions for Online Assignment Submission of B.Ed. Spl. Edn.-ODL, TEE Dec-2023 & June-2024......Detail
04.10.2024:Practical Examination Schedule for B.Ed. Spl. Edn.-ODL TEE Dec-2023 & June-2024......Detail
04.10.2024:Time Schedule for MSW Viva-Voce for the TEE, June 2023/December 2023......Detail
04.10.2024:Time Schedule for MLIS Viva-Voce for the TEE, June 2023/December 2023......Detail
23.09.2024:Notice for extension of Exam. Form submission for BDP and UGDP(CBCS) TEE, Dec.-2023 & June-2024 (3rd Phase)......Detail
20.09.2024:Notice for Online Assignment Submission for B.Ed. Special Education [ID(IDD)/HI/VI]-ODL, TEE (Theory) December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
20.09.2024:Notice for Online Assignment Submission for M.Ed. (Special Education), TEE (Theory) December-2023 & June-2024......Detail
17.09.2024:Notice for Re-opening of Exam. Form submission for BDP and UGDP(CBCS) TEE, Dec.-2023 & June-2024 (3rd Phase)......Detail
05.09.2024:Examination Schedule and Examination Centre for BLIS, TEE (Practical), December 2023. Exam Schedule | Exam Centre
04.09.2024:Examination Schedule for Post Graduate GEOGRAPHY (PRACTICAL) TEE, June-2023/December-2023......Detail
02.09.2024:Notice for Re-opening of Exam. Form submission for BDP and UGDP(CBCS) TEE, Dec.-2023 & June-2024 (2nd Phase)......Detail
02.09.2024:Notice of DLIS Ph.D. Course Work Examination 2022-23 Schedule at Kalyani Regional Centre, NSOU......Detail
16.08.2024:Notice for submission of Examination Form for BDP & UGDP (CBCS) TEE, Dec-23 & June-24......Detail
14.08.2024:2nd Phase of submission of Examination Form for M.Ed. (Spl. Edn.) TEE December-2023 and June-2024......Detail
14.08.2024:2nd Phase of submission of Examination Form for B.Ed., TEE December-2023 and June-2024......Detail
14.08.2024:Admit Card for ADPR, ADEL and ADJMC, TEE Dec-2023......Detail
12.08.2024:Notice regarding to download "Admit Card" for ADJMC, TEE, December-2023......Detail
12.08.2024:Notice regarding to download "Admit Card" for ADPR, TEE, December-2023......Detail
12.08.2024:Notice regarding to download "Admit Card" for ADEL, TEE, December-2023......Detail
07.08.2024:Venue of ADPR, Term End Examination, December-2023......Detail
07.08.2024:Venue of ADEL, Term End Examination, December-2023......Detail
06.08.2024:Notice for PG Social Work (PGSW) Examinees for PG TEE June 2023/December 2023......Detail
05.08.2024:Venue of ADJMC, Term End Examination, December-2023......Detail
02.08.2024:Examination Schedule of ADPR, TEE, December 2023......Detail
02.08.2024:Examination Schedule of ADEL, TEE, December 2023......Detail
01.08.2024:Examination Schedule of ADJMC, TEE, December 2023......Detail
31.07.2024:Examination Schedule for BLIS, TEE (Theory), December 2023......Detail
31.07.2024:Notice for download of Admit Card for BLIS, TEE, December 2023......Detail
29.07.2024:Notice for download of Admit Card for Post Graduate Term End Examination, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
29.07.2024:REVISED Examination Schedule for Post Graduate (Theory), Term End Examination, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
24.07.2024:Examination Schedule of BLIS TEE (Theory), December-2023......Detail
19.07.2024:Examination Schedule for PG (Theory), TEE, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
16.07.2024:Instructions for online submission of Assignment for ADPR, TEE, December 2023......Detail
16.07.2024:Instructions for online submission of Assignment for ADEL, TEE, December 2023......Detail
16.07.2024:Examination Form fill up circular of B.Ed., TEE December-2023 and June-2024......Detail
16.07.2024:Notice for submission of Examination Form for M.Ed. (Spl. Edn.) TEE December-2023 and June-2024......Detail
15.07.2024:Instructions for online submission of Assignment for ADJMC (1 year course) TEE, December 2023......Detail
12.07.2024:Notice regarding Registered and Alternative Mobile Number for Online submission of Assignment for PG TEE, June-2023/December-2023 and BLIS TEE, December-2023......Detail
12.07.2024:Assignment Submission Slip for ADPR, TEE Dec-2023......Detail
12.07.2024: Assignment Submission Slip for ADEL, TEE Dec-2023......Detail
12.07.2024:Assignment Submission Slip for ADJMC, TEE Dec-2023......Detail
11.07.2024:Name of the Examination Centre for PG, Theory, TEE, June-2023/December-2023 and BLIS, Theory, TEE, December-2023......Detail
11.07.2024:Notice regarding to download "Assignment Submission Slip" for Online Assignment Submission for ADJMC, TEE, December-2023......Detail
10.07.2024:Notice regarding to collect "Assignment Submission Slip" for Online Assignment Submission for ADEL, TEE (Theory & Practical) December-2023......Detail
10.07.2024:Notice regarding to collect "Assignment Submission Slip" for Online Assignment Submission for ADPR, TEE (Theory & Practical) December-2023......Detail
05.07.2024:Notice regarding re-opening of Online Submission of Assignment for Post Graduate, Term End Examination, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
05.07.2024:Notice regarding re-opening of Online Submission of Assignment for BLIS, Term End Examination, Dec-2023......Detail
02.07.2024:Reset Notice for online submission of Assignment for PG TEE, Junr 2023 / December 2023......Detail
01.07.2024:Notice regarding online submission of Assignment for Post Graduate Term End Examination, June 2023 / December 2023......Detail
15.06.2024:Notice for online submission of Assignment for Post Graduate Term End Examination, June 2023/December 2023......Detail
12.06.2024:Notice for Online Submission of Assignment for BLIS, Term End Examination, Dec-2023 (Reset option)......Detail
06.06.2024:REVISED Notice for Online Submission of Assignment for BLIS, Term-End Examination, Dec-2023......Detail
21.05.2024:Notice regarding download Admit Card for M.Ed. Semester-5 TEE (Practical) December 2023......Detail
14.05.2024:Notice for M.Ed. 5th Semester Practical TEE Dec 2023......Detail
13.05.2024:Notice for download of Assignment Submission Slip for BLIS Term-End Examination, Dec-2023......Detail
06.05.2024:Notice for download of Assignment Submission Slip for PG Term-End Examination, June-2023/Dec-2023......Detail
22.04.2024:Notice for Reported Against (R.A.) Examinee of PG TEE, June-2022 / December-2022......Detail
22.04.2024:Notice for 3rd Phase Examination Form submission through online for PG TEE, June-2023/December-2023......Detail
19.04.2024:Notice for 2nd Phase Examination Form submission through Online for BLIS, TEE, December-2023......Detail
04.04.2024:Notice for 2ns Phase Examination Form submission through online for Post Graduate Term-End Examination, June-2023 / December-2023......Detail
12.03.2024:Notice for submission of Examination Form for M.Ed. (Spl. Edn.) TEE (Practical), December-2023 (5th Semester)......Detail
05.03.2024:Notice for all Study Centre Co-ordinators regarding Dissertation of PGSW-15/MLIS-9......Detail
09.01.2024:Notice for Examination Form submission through Online for Bachelor of Library & Information Science (BLIS), Term End Examination, December-2023......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: General Instruction for Counseling for M.Sc. in Environmental Science (PGES), M.Sc. in Zoology (PGZO) and M.Sc. in Geography (PGGR) Session January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional Merit List of M.Sc. in Environmental Science (PGES) for NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional Merit List of M.Sc. in Environmental Science (PGES) for NON-NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional Merit List of M.Sc. in Zoology (PGZO) for NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional 1st Merit List of M.Sc. in Zoology (PGZO) for NON-NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional Merit List of M.Sc. in Geography (PGGR) for NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
13.02.2025:MERIT LIST: Provisional 1st Merit List of M.Sc. in Geography (PGGR) for NON-NSOU Candidates of all Categories, January 2025......Detail
29.01.2025:ADMISSION: Notification for PG, BLIS and Advance Diploma Admission (2024-25) date extension......Detail
22.01.2025:ADMISSION: Declaration Format for PG Admission, Academic Year 2024-2025 (Session January 2025)......Detail
02.01.2025:ADMISSION: Notification Related to Eligibility Criteria of Environmental Science (PGES) for Academic Year 2024-2025......Detail
31.12.2024:ADMISSION: The last date of admission into various courses under the SVS and CLL (January 2025 session) have been extended up to 31/01/2025......Detail
27.12.2024:ADMISSION: Admission Notification for PG Programmes, for Academic Year 2024-25 (Session January 2025)......Detail
27.12.2024:ADMISSION: Steps to be followed by applicants for PG Admission (except PGZO, PGGR & PGES), for Academic Year 2024-25 (Session January 2025)......Detail
27.12.2024:ADMISSION: ADMISSION: Steps to be followed by applicants for PGZO, PGGR & PGES Admission, for Academic Year 2024-25 (Session January 2025)......Detail
27.12.2024:ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: Prospectus for PG Programmes for Academic Year 2024-25......Detail
27.12.2024:ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: Admission Notification for BLIS and Advance Diploma Programmes, for Academic Year 2024-25 (Session January 2025)......Detail
27.12.2024:ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: Steps to be followed by applicants for Admission in BLIS & Advance Diploma, for Academic Year 2024-25 (Session January 2025)......Detail
27.12.2024:ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: List of Learner's Facilitation Centre (LFC) for PG, BLIS & Advance Diploma Admission Portal, for Academic Year 2024-25......Detail
27.12.2024:ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: ADMISSION: Prospectus for BLIS & Advance Diploma Courses for Academic Year 2024-25......Detail
19.12.2024:ADMISSION: Admission to various Short-Term Courses (STCs) under Innovation and Incubation Centre (IIC) under the aegis of School of Professional Studies for January 2025 Session (3rd Cycle). Last date of Admission: 12/01/2025. Detail | Admission Link
12.12.2024:ADMISSION: Notice for Learners of 4th Semester (opted for "GE-CH-42" as "Approved MOOCs") academic session 2023-24 and other 4th Semester Learners regarding to register the following MOOC (Elementary Thermodynamics for All) on Swayam website. Detail | Registration Link
02.12.2024:ADMISSION: Admission to Blended Vocational Education and Training (VET) Programme under the School of Vocational Studies (January 2025 Session). Notice | Admission Form
23.11.2024:ADMISSION: Admission to Short-Term Training Programmes (January 2025 session), under the CLL, Schoolof Vocational Studies, NSOU. Notice | Admission Form
09.12.2024:Advertisement for engagement of One Project Assistant under NSOU-Funded Minor Research Project (2024-2025) under Smt. Antara Choudhury, P.I. & Assistant Professor, Dept. of Special Education, SoE, NSOU......Detail
09.12.2024:Advertisement for engagement of One Project Assistant under NSOU-Funded Minor Research Project (2024-2025) under Shri Prabir Naskar, P.I. & Assistant Professor, Dept. of Special Education, SoE, NSOU......Detail
05.02.2025:e-Tender notice for supply & installation of CPCB IV approved 82.5 KVA TP Diesel Generating Set for Durgapur RC, NSOU......Detail
07.01.2025:e-Tender (Re-tender) notice for supply and delivery of laboratory Chemicals at Kalyani Regional Centre, Chemistry Department, School of Sciences, Netaji Subhas Open University......Detail